Capitalizing on the Super Bowl in My Classroom

The Super Bowl is coming to MN and I couldn’t be any more excited! I am a huge fan of all things celebrity, and I love my home state, so this is the perfect mash-up in my world!  And although I am bummed about the Vikings not being a part of the Super Bowl, I thought I would capitalize on this and throw a Super Bowl themed “party” in my classroom!  The entire week leading up to the big game, I am going to transform my room with a football theme. #SetTheStageToEngage

For ELA, Math, and Social Studies/Science we will be doing all things related to the big game!  Below is my general plan; I have linked to some awesome resources from great teacher-authors on TpT!  These are both Free and Paid Resources.  (note: I am not getting anything in return for mentioning these resources, I just love to share what I am using in my own classroom!)

To start, I actually reached out to parents in my classroom to supply football themed snacks and drinks (orange gatorade) as well as fun decorations!  The response I’ve gotten have been pretty overwhelming, so my students are going to walk into a fun, decked-out room on the 29th!

Monday, Jan 29

I am actually going to start by breaking my class into a few teams.  I have 24 in my class, so I am thinking 6 teams of 4 would work well.  In the Close Reading Packet below for Reading and Language, Shelly Rees included a page that has students naming their own team and designing a jersey and such.  I am going to use that page from her packet and have students create a team TOGETHER, including a jersey, helmet, mascot, and team cheer/song!

Although there are no “standards” I can check off with this, the group collaboration, teamwork, communication, etc. is invaluable.  As a 5th grade teacher I need to remember I am helping to mold PEOPLE who will someday contribute to society and run our country; I need to make sure they have the skills they need!

In these teams, students are then going to work through various activities to earn points to help their team win the Super Bowl!

Reading and Language

Brief history on how American Football came to be and has changed throughout the years.  With close reading tasks to complete along the way, the students will be practicing good reading strategies while learning about the sport.


We complete one of these Solve and Colors monthly and my students love trying to figure out what the mystery picture is while practicing their multiplication and order of operations

Social Studies/Science

Using the reading passage above, I created a “breakout” challenge for the teams to complete using Google Forms.  The students have to find the right answer in the reading and submit it to the form.  Their are 4 questions (label 1st Quarter, 2nd Quarter, 3rd Quarter, 4th Quarter.)  When the teams enter the 4th correct answer, It says TOUCHDOWN with this graphic:

It will be the students’ first opportunity to earn points throughout the week!

Tuesday, Jan 30

Reading and Language

Johnny Unitas vs Peyton Manning StoryWorks article
I used this article when I taught 6th grade; since it is from StoryWorks I don’t have permission to post it, but you could read any article(s) that compares a football star from the past to one today.

I am going to have students use the information to fill out this Graphic Organizer; similar to a Venn Diagram.  Hopefully, we can then turn this information into a mini writing piece using some other organizers and sentence starters I have! 


Students get to flip paper footballs and try to make field goals.  They then compare the fraction of goals made with each other. {FREEBIE}

Social Studies/Science

Students are challenged to build a field goal that will stand using random items. {FREEBIE}
**Lisa has a whole Football STEM themed pack in her store if you’re looking for more!

Wednesday, Jan 31

Reading and Language

Students will be doing some quick writing on their iPads using these writing prompts and then choosing one of the topics to expand upon and turn into a final piece!


Using the scores given, students find the Mean, Median, Mode, and Range of the data. {FREEBIE}

Social Studies/Science

Bouncing Ball Experiment by Laura Candler.  Students go through the scientific method process using various sports equipment, including a football.

Thursday, Feb 1

Reading and Language

Students will use the football phrases (like TOUCHDOWN) to make as many other words as possible, scoring points.  While this activity could be done alone, I may have my students do it in teams and then play it Scattergories style where they only score points for words other groups didn’t think of!


Both of these {FREEBIES} look great!  My students are going to love using their knowledge of order of operations to try and score a “touchdown” by finding the target number.  They will also practice their multiplication facts trying to fill out the score cards for various teams with this fun math challenge.


Social Studies/Science

{Nothing planned, we have Band this day so many of my students leave the class.}

Friday, Feb 2

Reading and Language

My first degree is in Advertising so this lesson is very exciting; learning about the power of persuasion and ad tactics!  I hope we can introduce this and talk about it, giving students the task to come back after the Super Bowl with their favorite commercial to analyze! {FREEBIE}


My math class will graph teams’ appearances and wins in the Super Bowl and then analyze the data for trends, the MMMR (Mean/Median/Mode/Range,) and Fractions/Decimals/Percents.

Social Studies/Science

We will be looking more into the history of football as well as how footballs are made using this video:  How it’s Made: Wilson Leather Football (YouTube Link).  I am still looking for other sites and activities I want to do for this.

There it is, my football themed week!  Do you have any other activities I should sneak in or do the week following the big game?  If so, drop them in the comments below, as I am always looking for fun things to do to engage my class.

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