A Year of Blog Posts on Conversations From the Classroom

January 1st marked the blogiversary of the collaborative blog I am a part of, Conversations from the Classroom.

I have learned a lot from the wonderful teachers and teacher-authors who I work with; through reading their posts, discussions on social media, etc.  These teachers are based in a variety of states and countries; it is enlightening to see how the education system runs and the struggles and triumphs we all face.

I like writing; it’s a vice for me.  I get to process through my thoughts and feelings on topics, some more controversial than others. 

Here are my blog posts from the last year on the site.  Click on the thumbnail/picture to check them out (if you haven’t read them already,) and let me know what you think.  While there, checkout some of the other posts written that fit your grade level or curiosities!

Valentine’s Day in 5th Grade

Why students need adventures like an overnight camp

Are you on summer break but thinking about “next year” already?

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