You may recall from my previous post that I was waiting to hear if I got a position with Learners Edge, a teacher professional development company. If you follow me on Instagram (@drazsclass) you will have seen that I did get the job and went to training last week!
I was only going to sub for Learners Edge. If a course evaluator needed to take a few days off I would fill in for them: checking off assignments, assigning grades, providing feedback, etc. When I got to training, my boss actually informed me that she actually had an evaluator that needed to give up a course, as it was a lot of work, and asked me to take it. Being the over-achiever I am, I said yes!
This past week I have only been subbing….I start my own course TOMORROW! {Insert freak out mode here}
I am so excited for this, but a bit nervous! The biggest takeaways I have from subbing so far is how much I have learned from the educators who have submitted assignments! While I am checking off work, I have found myself bookmarking sites, writing down books, noting lesson ideas, and more! I am getting professional development while also helping other educators grow.
I also have realized how much I LOVE being a teacher leader. I took a course on this through Learners Edge earlier this summer, which prompted me to apply for an evaluator position with them. Learners Edge courses are like completing an individual book study, but your “assignments” are chock-full of reflection and “put into practice” examples, which really makes the information presented relevant. I am taking another course from them right now, Teach Like a Champion, which I can’t stop talking about! My husband doesn’t get my “teacher-life,” but politely nods his head in the right places. :o)
In a nutshell…I am loving this new role I took on! I am not ready to leave the classroom, but do hope I can continue to be a teacher leader and inspire other teachers!